ICC - International Certificate of Competence
You Need an ICC Licence
The ICC is an attempt to ensure all sailors entering or chartering in foreign waters have a recognized minimum standard of expertise.
It's essentially the same as having an acceptable USA driver's license when you rent a motor car in a foreign country.
So if that's the bad news, here's the good news. Yachting Education can issue the ICC license in America.
Options to achieve the ICC Licence.
1. Complete the 5 day practical course to ensure your theory and practical skills are satisfactory
2. Take a (1) day practical assessment at Yachting Education ( please review the ICC Assessement Pages to ensure you're ready. )
So if you're planning to charter internationally then maybe a quick chat with our Chief instructor Mark Thompson could help. He's sailed throughout the Mediterranean, spent a year in Turkey and another two in France so he's probably sailed where you want to go.
What's more, he's issued dozens of ICC licenses and can discuss your present experience and advise you how to meet the standards necessary to achieve the license.
Telephone: 803-280-0881