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Fort Lauderdale Florida USA


Courses Available 



RYA Competent Crew

RYA Day Skipper 

RYA Coastal Skipper

Offshore "Blue Water" Experiences



"Power boater's want noise and speed, sailors only want the sound of  wind and waves ."


With fabulous scenery, year-round access to flat water of Biscayne Bay or the open sea, dozens of unique and challenging destinations and the ability to get away from the maddening crowd, Fort Lauderdale is the perfect sail training area.


Our programs are all fully catered onboard a luxury Fountaine-Pajot cruising catamaran and by week's end you'll be handling her like a pro. No yelling, no fire-drills, no panic situations just the confidence between you and your crew to get the job done fluently and calmly. Doesn't that sound like a nice result?


Whether it's managing the vessel under sail or docking the boat in tidal conditions, we've got you covered. You'll leave with the skills and techniques to work harmoniously with your crew and confidently handle what the ocean throws at you.


   The Six "P's of Life....





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